The Features Your Ecommerce Site Needs

The Features Your Ecommerce Site Needs

If you’ve got something to sell, your website needs to be working for you, not against you. There are some great methods you can employ that will encourage your visitors to spend their money. Conversely, your website might be doing things that are putting them off.

The Features Your Ecommerce Site Needs

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To make sure that your site is performing appropriately, check that it includes the following must-have features:


The nature of the internet makes it a haven for scammers, and shoppers are growing increasingly savvy when it comes to online security. Don’t be tempted to bypass SSL Certification for your site. That is what gives your site the initial HTTPS letters, along with a padlock icon, to indicate that financial transactions are completely secure. Without this certification, you might save a few pounds, but it could cost you an awful lot of more if visitors are deterred from completing a sale because they have no confidence in your site security.

Mobile responsive website

Whether you shortlist or not make sure that the site they design will display as well on a smartphone as it does on a computer screen. Most purchases are made via smartphones these days, so any good design team will work with these.  This is why an seo belfast agency ryco marketing have trained staff who can help every step of the way.  If your struggling with your content and the anchor text in it then just an SEO Belfast company.

Designed for the user

Far too many websites are created for the designer or the business owner when they really need to be designed exclusively for the user. The aim is to sell your products and services, so don’t lose sight of this objective during the design process.

Forbes suggests taking a leaf out of Amazon’s book, claiming that a big part of the site’s popularity is the ease of navigation, search and payment. Your website may not be able to compete when it comes to range, but it should certainly aim for a seamless user experience.

Search box

Most people will lose patience if they have to scroll through your entire product range in order to find the one that they want. Offer the helpful assistance of a search box to speed up the transaction and include spelling suggestions; many sites lose out on a sale because the customer can’t spell properly and the search returns no results.