If you’re looking for a seo company to boost your website’s search engine rankings, it can be hard to choose which one is best. To help make that decision a little easier, here are some common ranking factors we use when optimizing client sites:
Ranking Factors
Ranking factors are important. They help determine how your site ranks with search engines, and can be split into two categories: on-site and off-site. On-site ranking factors include things like keywords, content, links and site structure. Social media presence is also an off-site factor that plays a role in how well your website performs in search results.
Keywords are a critical part of your SEO strategy. Keywords are the words that people search for, and they help you find your target audience.
Keywords can be found in your content, title tags (the text that appears above a web page’s URL) and meta descriptions (the short summary text that appears below the main body of a web page).
On-Site Optimization
- Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
- Ensure your site loads fast.
- Make sure it’s secure and safe for users to browse.
- Ensure the navigation is easy to use, or else they’ll leave!
The number of links to your site is an important factor in determining how search engines will rank you. The more sites that link to yours, the better. However, it’s not enough just to have a lot of links; those links also need to be from high-quality sites and contain appropriate anchor text (text that appears when users hover their mouse over a link).
The age of each backlink matters as well: if someone has been linking to your site for years but hasn’t done so recently, it may not count as much anymore because other people are likely seeing those old links as well–and they may not be able to tell whether they’re new or old. On the other hand, if someone just started linking yesterday but gets lots of traffic from Google searches on terms related.
Social Media Presence
Social media is an important part of any SEO strategy. It’s a great way to get links, find new customers and build brand awareness. Social media plays a huge role in your search ranking because Google takes into account the number of followers you have on each platform when calculating where your site should rank. The more followers you have, the higher up in the SERPs (search engine results pages) your content will appear!
It’s important, so choose wisely
Seo company rankings are important, the first thing to look for in an seo company is reliability. If you have an issue with your website or any other aspect of your online presence, you want to make sure that they will be able to help you quickly and efficiently. The second thing is affordability; you don’t want to spend more than necessary on this service because it may not be worth it in the end if the results aren’t what you were hoping for. Lastly, make sure that the seo agency has experience working with businesses like yours!
We hope you’ve gained some insight on how to choose the best seo company rankings for your needs. We know that there are many options out there and we want our clients to be confident in their decision when choosing an SEO company. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with who will be working on your project, so make sure they have a good reputation and references from past clients before making any commitments